Less is more.

While growing up, I used to travel to Kerala by train. No AC compartment, but good old 2nd Class. I never knew what it was like to be in AC, so the need never arose. It used to be a long 48 hours travel time from Delhi to Kerala. I used to carry a bag full of books even then. The moment the train would start, I would climb up on the highest berth and stay put with my books. But post dinner, my favourite pastime was to sit near the window and look out. I would wish for some small village to come by. Well, I loved to watch a small house or a hut with far away lights inside it. It was like the lights are twinkling for me. Sometimes, I could see smoke coming out of the chimney, or a lady cooking food or a child with her mother. Infact, on any give day I used to and still love to look out at random homes during late evenings. Switched on lights still comfort me. Watching people doing their chores makes me feel all warm.

I like it because I feel life is ON. It is ON for everyone around. Does not matter whether you are big or small, young or old, rich or poor.    

Just the other day, I was waiting at a traffic signal. I saw a young man, looked like a construction worker, walking back home. It was a Saturday evening. He was walking out of a chicken shop. He has ear phones on and was singing along. His walk had a rhythm. He was probably thinking about the wholesome dinner that awaits him. It brought a smile to my face. My son was with me and I said, "Look at him. Happy in his own world."

And I wondered how little it takes to be happy. 

When I started working for the first time, I can say that it was not one of my best memories. The working hours were long, working Saturdays and long distance to work. No..No... not a good combination at all. There was one thing that held me together. You may laugh at this, but well, this was and is me. I would call up my mother at work and ask her what's for dinner. To listen her tell me the menu for dinner would bring a wave of joy in my heart. I was reminded that life is more than this job. 

And I wondered how little it takes to be happy. 

The last few days, my help brought her 4 year old niece to work. The little girl's mother was off to the village and there was no one to take care of her. The 1st day she was quiet and looked unwelcoming. But the 2nd day, my 5 year old walked up to her offering a cookie. She promptly took it and in a matter of minutes, the two girls were running around the house. The short giggles coming out of the two girls was so heart warming. My mother and I were left smiling all the while. A stage when money, fashion, fancy things does not matter. All one needs is someone to laugh with. 

And I wondered how little it takes to be happy. 

We are so busy in our lives, relationships are getting lesser, we want more of everything else. It doesn't seem to stop. In reality, it takes so less to be happy. I know the daily hustle of getting things done sometimes can squeeze us out. But a moment or more helps us to look beyond. To see that there is so much more to life than meeting deadlines, keeping people happy, making money and building that dream house. 

Life is on. 
