God's own children - Blogathon - Post 21

21st August 2013

As a child, I remember my father asking me to go to the temple and also attend community bhajans. I used to and still like occasional visits to the temple, but community bhajans was something I never was interested in. I mean, I never understood it. 

I used to wonder why do we have to be noisy and loud to be heard by God? 

Well, the arguments never subsided between my dad and me. Ultimately I found my own path of spirituality, and my dad ultimately did turn around and accepted it. 

Today, my children are growing up. There are times when I am in doubt, as to whether I should tell them how to pray, what to pray, who to pray, whether to pray or not, how should I explain who is God, is there a God? and so on...

We are not a religious family, but we are definitely a spiritual family. Reiki brought us closer to our SELF. A and N have watched us practice Reiki and they know there is something about it which is good. 

We pray, we light lamps two times a day, and we do it every day. We believe in God. We believe that there is a super-entity who cannot be justified or explained. It has to be experienced in order to be believed in. 

Today, accidentally A and I had an interesting discussion. 

A: Amma, Do you pray daily?
Me: Yes. 
A: Why?
Me: Because I like it. It helps me prepare for the day. Do you like to pray? 
A: Yes. 
Me: Why?
A: Because God helps me. 
Me: How?
A: He tells me answers. He helps my mind to think and come up with answers to questions. 
Me: But what do you pray?
A: Nothing. I just say the shlokas you have taught me. Then I say, protect me. (Something I have told him to do.)
Me: Do you like to go to the temple?
A: No, it is boring. You just fold your hands and close your eyes. I like to pray at home. 
Me: Ok. So you do what you want. Pray the way you like to pray. Are you scared of God?
A: Why should I be scared of God? I have never seen him. I don't see a reason why I should be scared of God. 
Me: That's right. He will always love you. 

This is the point where he remembered to read a book for his school project and I started to think why do we parents kill this positivity in children? This feeling of God as a positive entity. Why do we create a picture of God as an entity who will punish if you do not pray well or don't visit temples or behave bad? 

This is where the fear sets in. If I do this, God will be happy. If I don't do this, God will get angry? Ultimately spirituality is killed and there appears a phenomenon based on fear. Who are we to do that our children? 

I am sure if let alone, they will search and choose the right path of spirituality and belief. Who are we to impose our ways on them? 

A believes that there is no one God. There are many Gods. It is not one God with multiple names. There are multiple Gods. His logic: There are so many people on this Earth. How can one God listen to and help these many people. So, there has to be many Gods. Hmmm, practical, I say. 

Let them be. They will learn, unlearn and relearn. Who are we to stop it?  

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